Saturday, May 22, 2010

Alkaline Diet - The Key Benefits

The alkaline diet is getting a lot of interest from people who want to lose weight, increase their energy levels, and protect their bones and muscle from the harmful effect of overacidity.

Hi, my name is Jane, and today I want to go over a few of the most interesting benefits of the alkaline diet. First, let's talk about weight loss. This is on almost everyone's mind, but many people have become disillusioned with diets after trying and failing to lose weight. The reason the alkaline diet helps you lose weight is that it naturally emphasizes foods that are rich in fiber, but low in calories. In other words, these foods fill you up without adding a lot of calories to your daily total.

Another common concern is lack of energy. In some cases, fatigue is the result of a serious medical condition, so it's a good idea to check with your doctor to see if he or she can pinpoint a specific diagnosis. Chances are, however, you will simply be told that your tiredness is the result of poor sleep or too much stress. These factors can indeed play a role, but an important overlooked factor is your acid-alkaline balance. Too much acidity makes it harder for the mitochondria inside yourselves to manufacture energy, which is why this type of diet can increase your energy level.

A third benefit of the alkaline diet is that it can help you to remain healthy as you get older. Older adults typically lose muscle strength, but research has shown that the alkaline diet can help to prevent this problem from occurring. Similarly, an alkaline diet can fight bone loss, reducing your risk of a fracture. Along with regular exercise, the alkaline diet can be your weapon against the harmful effects of aging.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Alkaline Diet Isn't All-or-Nothing

The alkaline diet is quickly gaining fans because it's a healthy way to lose weight, gain energy, and prevent or even cure many chronic health problems. But one reason that people often hesitate to try the alkaline diet is that they are under the impression that it will require them to give up all acidifying foods. And they correctly suspect that many of those acidifying foods are among their favorite meals, snacks, and desserts.

Changing from the standard American diet to the alkaline diet can take some getting used to. Many people want to have their cake and eat it too, but the simple truth is that there's no way to eat a steady diet of hamburgers, pizza, ice cream, and soft drinks, and somehow magically make up for it by taking a nutritional supplement or by following a certain exercise program.

No, to reap the benefits of an alkaline diet, you have to do the hard work of changing how you eat. Junk foods can actually be addictive, much like alcohol or even hard drugs. If you've ever struggled to put down a bag of potato chips, even though you weren't really hungry, you won't find this analogy far-fetched.

But what's the best way to switch from the standard diet to the alkaline diet, without feeling deprived or losing your sanity? Here you have a choice to make: You can either try to phase in the alkaline diet gradually, or you can make a dramatic shift and give up junk foods cold turkey.

After years of trying unsuccessfully to give up junk foods, I went cold turkey. Nonetheless, I believe that most people will probably find it easier to gradually replace unhealthy foods with alkaline alternatives. An alkaline diet doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing proposition.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Alkaline Diet Myths Exposed

The alkaline diet can help you to lose weight, increase your energy level, and prevent muscle wasting, among other positive consequences of this natural way of eating. Unfortunately, however, there are some myths about the alkaline diet that can scare you off, or make it less likely that you'll see the results that you want to achieve.

The first myth is that the alkaline diet is inevitably extremely restrictive. A lot of people think that if they follow an alkaline diet, they will have to give up all of their favorite foods. Well, just how drastic a change the alkaline diet will be depends on how you currently eat. It's true that if you exist on steaks, hamburgers, french fries, and ice cream washed down with sugary soft drinks, you will have to make some significant changes in order to reap the benefits of this type of diet.

However, this does not mean that following this diet will force you to give up flavor. It's really more a matter of finding ways to prepare healthy alkalizing foods in a way that preserves their nutritional value at the same time that it maximizes flavor. It's also a matter of retraining your taste buds to appreciate flavors more subtle than fat, sugar, and salt.

A second myth is that in order to have an alkaline diet, you must give up all this in acid-forming foods. this is related to the belief that all acid-forming foods are bad for you. In fact, your goal on the alkaline diet should be to achieves a proper balance of acidifying and alkalizing foods. To eliminate all acidifying foods from your diet would be difficult, and it also might lead you to miss out on valuable nutrients. Fortunately, such extreme measures are not necessary.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Alkaline Diet Helps Boost Energy

These days, it seems like everyone wants more energy. Is the alkaline diet an effective way to get it? Hello, my name is Jane, and today I want to talk about how the alkaline diet can boost your energy level naturally, without artificial stimulants like caffeine.

Many people rely on coffee, energy drinks, and other caffeinated beverages to fight fatigue. But these beverages have the opposite effect of the alkaline diet: They make your body more acidic. And when your body becomes more acidic, fatigue inevitably results. So while you're trying to give yourself an energy boost, you could actually be making the problem worse.

In contrast, the alkaline diet naturally helps your body to function at its best. I don't have time to go into all of the benefits of this diet in my article, but I want to mention the role of the mitochondria, tiny power stations inside each cell which literally manufacture energy at a cellular level.

A proper alkaline diet helps the mitochondria to function more efficiently, and it helps to ensure that your body has a inadequate supply of natural energy.

Another way that the alkaline diet helps to maintain energy levels is by maintaining a balanced level of blood sugar. When you hear lot of sugary snacks and starches, your blood sugar level tends to go on a roller coaster ride. You might feel a rush of energy, but a few minutes later, you're crashing.

This type of diet includes lots of soluble and insoluble fiber and complex carbohydrates, which cause natural sugars to be absorbed more slowly. The result is that your blood sugar level is leveled off. As an added benefit, by avoiding spikes of glucose, you will reduce your risk of diabetes. That's a good reason to follow the alkaline diet.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Alkaline Diet Recommended for Weight Loss

The alkaline diet has many benefits, including boosting energy and protecting against muscle atrophy and bone loss. But can the alkaline diet also help you lose weight?

Hi, my name is Jane, and today I want to talk about the benefits of the alkaline diet for weight loss. As everyone knows, obesity is a big problem in the United States and other developed countries. Many people have tried almost everything to lose weight, but either these diets fail, or else people do lose weight, only to quickly regain it.

Some proponents of the alkaline diet claim that the body stores fat in response to overacidity, and that when you eat an alkaline diet, your body will naturally let go of the accumulated fat cells.

This is an interesting theory, but I'm not sure that it's accurate. For one thing, it is incorrect to say that your body can ever eliminate fat cells. By the time you are an adult, you have a certain number of fat cells, and this number does not change--no matter how much weight you gain or lose. When you lose weight, your fat cells deflate. You still have just as many fat cells, but they take up less space inside your body.

The bottom line about weight loss is that you need to consume fewer calories than you burn through exercise and basic metabolic activity. So if we want to determine whether or not this diet is effective for weight loss, the question we need to answer is whether or not an alkaline diet leads to a caloric deficit.

Unfortunately, there is no definite answer to this question. Some alkalizing foods are high in fat, while others are not. In general, however, I do believe that the alkaline diet can be effective for weight loss.